Important changes to macOS 10.15.2
I’m trying to do it this way because I want to mod Skyrim on a mac, for which I need the actual files to put into a wrapper. I don’t have a PC or large hard drive, or I’d just download it there and paste the files onto the mac. A Wrapper offline launcher i made in shell. Contribute to 2Epik4u/Wrapper-Offline-For-MacOS development by creating an account on GitHub.
App Wrapper Notarization is not affected
With the macOS 10.15.2 update, Apple removed the text to say 'Apple checked it for malicious software and none was detected.' from the Gate Keeper dialog. App Wrapper's Notarization is working as it should, because your app will still work on macOS 10.15.2.
Introducing the 'Blackbird' engine
Faster and more accurate processing.
Version 3.10 of App Wrapper publicly introduces our 'Blackbird' (5th generation) post processing engine. It's built on a radical idea of how to asses the application's contents, which results in an engine that's far more modern, capable, thorough and faster.
Notarization safe | ||
Blackbird | 8.7s - 1.2x faster | |
Apple's temp | 9.2s - 1.1x faster | |
V3 engine | 10.3s | |
Shorter is better. These tests were carried out on a 2015 MacBook running macOS 10.14.6, using the average of 5 tests each. Internet connection and Apple's servers affect this performance. |
We wanted to create an engine that's as thorough as our v3 engine, while being as fast as Apple's. Apple's was fast, but it often overlooked things which would result in an invalid code signature. Performance can be improved by disabling the 'Hardend runtime' in App Wrapper, Apple's Notarization will not approve the resulting app. With it disabled we recorded upto a 2.8x performance increase.
Make sure your apps are Notarized
For macOS 10.4.5 & macOS 10.15 Catalina.
App Wrapper 3.9 added support for Apple's Notarization, so you can make sure your apps are Notarized in time for macOS 10.15 Catalina's launch.
Once App Wrapper has finished wrapping your application, simply click the 'Notarize' button and your packages will be added to our Notarizer, from there submit to Apple, go make a cup of tea. Then release.
If you use a different process for creating installer packages, dmg files or even Zip files, than what's provided within App Wrapper; simply drag those packages into the Notarizer interface and App Wrapper will submit. We can even code sign DMG files for you when they're added.
Improved Application Diagnostics
Reduces MAS rejections, & improves apps.
123MAS rejection reasons | 72Critical issues |
37Possible improvements | 20Things it can auto fix |
The 'App Diagnostics' feature can detect upto 123 App Store rejection reasons, 72 critical issues, offer 37 possible improvements from a wide range of areas and when wrapping, App Wrapper can auto fix 20 issues (at the moment, expect this list to grow).
The diagnostics function also includes a 'Browser' allowing easy viewing into the contents of the Application bundle, along with viewing of various meta data and property-lists all without leaving App Wrapper.
So download a copy of App Wrapper today and see how it can help improve your apps and get them into the Mac App Store.
'Code signing an application is actually easy; providing of course of the application is simple and adheres to Apple's rules and guidelines, making apps conform is where App Wrapper really comes in handy.'
Save time, effort and money when preparing for deployment
One-Click to Code Sign, Sandbox & package apps.
Let App Wrapper take the chore out of application deployment. Once configured App Wrapper makes it super easy to prepare applications for App Store submission or web site distribution.
App Wrapper takes care of adding the required App Store properties, creating high resolution icons, code signing the application and its components, correcting the permissions, placing the app into a App Sandbox and packaging it in a signed installer or creating a zip file.
'App Wrapper, the premium tool that we at Ohanaware and 100s of other developers rely on every day to prepare applications for deployment.'
Enhance Mac applications to take advantage of great features
Deliver a better experience, without the hard work
Take advantage of Ohanaware's hard work when packaging an application, that'll make any application feel more consistent and more powerful, all with minimal effort on your behalf.
App Wrapper's intuitive interface also includes support for creating a custom Apple About Box, adding UTIs & URL Aliases, supporting document packages, adding high resolution document icons, providing Apple compatible help books, container migration, cleaner apps by removing unneeded languages, outdated architectures or left over development junk files. All by clicking a few buttons in App Wrapper.
'Use App Wrapper to help with submitting applications to the Mac App Store & deploying applications on a web site. It simplifies the code signing & App Sandbox with an easy intuitive interface, yet powerful engine underneath.'
Integrate with the Xojo development tool
and let App Wrapper enhance the workflow
App Wrapper's Xojo Script engine, is the latest iteration, creating much quicker to execute Xojo scripts; that can be integrated into Xojo projects, thus enabling Retina & Sandboxed applications during the development process, all while providing direct support for Xojo's debugger. The result is a severally reduced development time as debugging Retina or Sandboxing issues, are now as simple as Command-R.
App Wrapper 3 includes 'Pre-Build' scripts, allowing App Wrapper to inform the Xojo IDE where the intended application is to be deployed, thus making it easier to use one code base to build App Store apps and apps for hosting on a web site. Code sign Xojo apps has never been easier.

Geoff Perlman, CEO of Xojo Inc, had this to say about App Wrapper Mini 'App Wrapper Mini makes post-processing our internal OS X apps a breeze! And the fact that its made with Xojo, our very own multi-platform development tool, makes it even better!' App Wrapper 3 is superior in every way.
The SheepShaver Wrapper for OS X and macOS
Summary | How to set it up | Acknowledgments | Support
An easy way to run 'classic' applications under OS X and macOS
OS X and macOS no longer makes it possible to run 'classic' Mac applications written for 'classic' Mac OS versions, such as System 7 or Mac OS 9. In order to run such applications, OS X and macOS users must now install 'emulator' software that runs old versions of the Mac OS in a window on the OS X or macOS desktop. The most advanced of these emulator programs is SheepShaver. SheepShaver is no longer supported by its original author, Gwenolé Beauchesne, but updates, made by a programmer who calls himself or herself kanjitalk755, are available from an active support forum at E-Maculation.

This page provides a system that makes it easy to set up and use SheepShaver under OS X or macOS 10.8 or later. You will need to supply a 'ROM file' (as described below) and you will need an installation CD for any version of the Mac OS from OS 8.5 through 9.0.4, or a disk image of such a CD, as described below.
This system requires OS X or macOS 10.11 or later. It was updated 31 July 2020 with a version that runs smoothly under macOS 10.15 Catalina and probably at least one future version.
How to set it up
The usual way to set up SheepShaver is to follow the detailed guide on the E-maculation site. The page you are now reading provides a much simpler method, using a prebuilt 'application bundle' that contains almost everything you need, in a single package. To use it, follow these steps. Note that when the instructions refer to OS 9, the same procedure should work with OS 8.5 or 8.6. (Expert users will know how to modify the system for use with System 7 through 8.1; non-experts should not attempt this.)
1. Download the application bundle here. It is enclosed in a 13 MB ZIP file. Extract it and move it from the Downloads folder to any other place on your hard disk. Launch it once so that macOS will request the permissons it needs. The first time you launch it, it will display a warning that you need to add a ROM file, and SheepShaver will not start. Close the warning message and follow the next steps.
2. Get a copy of a New World Mac PPC ROM. See the setup guide at E-Maculation for advice on how to find one. (Or you can go directly to the Redundant Robot web site and find the file indicated as 'best for SheepShaver'.) The ROM file that you find will probably be named something like 'newworldrom'; make certain to rename the ROM file Mac OS ROM (use this exact string; no extension) and drop the ROM file onto the SheepShaver Wrapper. A message from the SheepShaver Wrapper will tell you that the file was copied to the correct location. If you get an error message, make sure that you are using the correct file with the correct name remember: no extension - check the Info window to make sure).

3. Install Mac OS 8.5 through 9.0.4. This step assumes that you have a copy of an OS 8.5 through 9.0.4 installation CD on a disk image. (You cannot use an actual CD, only an image made from a CD.) The installation CD image must be one that was made from a retail CD, not one that came with a specific machine. Note that when installing, you should not try to format or initialize the virtual hard disk; it is already formatted, and contains some Apple-supplied updates for OS 8.6 and 9.0.4 in a disk image file in a folder named 'OS Updaters'. Some of these are US-English versions; other versions may be found through a web search.
Note: To create an image file from an installation CD, use Disk Utility in OS X or macOS and create a disk image in 'DVD/CD Master' format.
(Important note: When installing OS 9, when you reach the menu that lets you specify which parts of the OS you want to install, click Options and turn off the option to 'Update Apple Hard Disk Drivers'; for reasons that I don't understand, the OS installation will stall when this option is on. When booting from an OS 8.5 CD image, hold down the shift key to turn extensions off, or else the CD image may not boot; this is not required with OS 8.6.)
3. Drop your CD image file of a Mac OS installation CD on the SheepShaver Wrapper. If the file is in the correct format, and is bootable, SheepShaver will boot from the image file. (If the image file is not 'locked,' which it must be if the Mac OS is to be installed from it, the SheepShaver Wrapper will offer to lock it for you.) Install the Mac OS from the booted CD image. Then shut down SheepShaver completely. Start the SheepShaver Wrapper again, and it should now boot to OS 8 or 9, and the CD image will not be mounted.
4. Start up SheepShaver and start working in Mac OS 8 or 9. The steps above will give you a working SheepShaver system, with the 'Unix' folder in SheepShaver set to be your Documents folder in OS X or macOS. If you want to use a different folder as the 'Unix' folder, or if you want to change the screen size or other features, use the Preferences menu.
4. Study the configuration guide at E-Maculation. The Configuration Guide includes absolutely essential information about using the 'classic' Mac OS in SheepShaver. If something goes wrong, and you have not studied that guide, then you have only yourself to blame.
The virtual hard disk in the system is a 4GB disk. If that does not provide enough disk space for your purposes, create a second disk, using the procedures described in the wiki at Or use the SheepShaver Preferences to add the unformatted Backup 4GB disk also included in the system.
This system is built on software provided by many people who are more expert than I am. The included build of SheepShaver is slightly customized from code modified by the programmer who uses the name kanjitalk755. I have benefited from many suggestions by Ronald P. Regensburg and others in the E-Maculation forum, and I could not have written this script without the help of many experts at and especially from Shane Stanley there at and at the forum at

Wine Wrapper Mac
Please do not ask me to help you set up the 'classic' Mac OS or advise you about any applications. Please ask for support in the E-Maculation support forum for SheepShaver. If you want to get in touch with me about the AppleScript in the SheepShaver Wrapper, then please visit this page.
Gradle Wrapper For Mac
Edward Mendelson (em thirty-six [at] columbia [dot] edu, but with two initials and two numerals before the [at] sign, not spelled out as shown here).