Fanuc Series 21i Tb Manual. 0-MB, FANUC Model A and T Series 16i, 18i, 21i, 160i, 180i, 210i. For example, in the FANUC-0 series, these are all valid identifications. Would a Fanuc 21i 'for lathe' operators manual have anything in it, or be perhaps easier to digest for turning centers specifically.that isn't in the standard 21i operators manual? GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products Series 21i / 210i―MB for Machining Center Operator’s Manual GFZ-63614EN/01 July 2001. Fanuc 0i/0i Mate Fanuc 10/11/12 Fanuc Series 15 Fanuc 15i Fanuc 16i 18i Fanuc 21 Fanuc 21i Fanuc Alarms Fanuc Spindle Alarms Fanuc 6M 6T Alarms Mill Programming G68 Coordinate Rotation G72.1 Rotational Copy G72.2 Linear Copy G73 High Speed Drilling G74 Left-hand Tapping G76 Fine Boring Cycle G81. Fanuc 18i-TB with Manual Guide i problem Cycles are the same yes, tapping codes are likely to be the same amnual they both use the built in fanuc cycles and not their own ones I have a Doosan that has completely non-standard macro based live tapping cycles, for example. Fanuc manuals, operator drives manuals, copys of cnc manuals pdfs and paper backed books. Fanuc series 21i, 210i, Connection manual (Hardware), Language ENGLISH, Pages 325, B-63083EN/01, X1. Fanuc series 21 – TA, Operators manual, Language ENGLISH, Pages 350, B-62404E/02, X2.
Fanuc 21i Alarm Codes for CNC machinists.
Fanuc 21i Control
- Fanuc 21i Alarms
Fanuc 21i Alarms
Program errors (P/S alarm)
Program errors /Alarms on program and operation (P/S alarm)
- 5066 RESTART ILLEGAL SEQUENCE NUMBER (M series) (Fanuc 21i Model A)
- 5110 IMPROPER G–CODE (G05.1 G1 MODE) (M series) (Fanuc 21i Model A)
- 5113 CAN NOT ERROR IN MDI MODE (G05.1) (M series) (Fanuc 21i Model A)
Background edit alarm
BP/S alarm – BP/S alarm occurs in the same number as the P/S alarm that occurs in ordinary program edit. (070, 071, 072, 073, 074 085,086,087 etc.)