Fuji Xmf Workflow Manual

Metrix streamlines and automates the entire planning and imposition process.with a single, user-friendly application. Metrix stores your presses, stocks, finishing equipment and shop standards in a database, and dynamically generates the most cost-effective imposition layouts based on the job specifications you enter, or import from your MIS. Fujifilm’s APPE-based workflow. For slow and costly manual methods of individually editing. XMF at a glance The name ‘Fujifilm’ and the Fuji and Fujifilm.

XMF Workflow XMF Workflow Workflow is a crucial function at the heart of your business. Efficient management of essential production tasks such as pre-flighting, imposition, trapping, colour management, proofing and output to an increasing variety of devices is paramount for profitability as run lengths and margins drop. Hybrid workflow system XMF V6.1 attracted great attention at the Japanese exhibition “PAGE2015” held in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, between February 4-6 XMF V6.1 Hybrid Workflow featuring Adobe Mercury RIP Architecture.

This article explains how to configure a FUJIFILM Workflow XMF 5.5+ (PGSQL) RIP setup in Serendipity Blackmagic/Veripress 5.4+, allowing it to poll the PGSQL database and the XMF/genstore/ for proofing jobs.

It is assumes Workflow XMF and it’s PGSQL database are configured and running normally – with a ‘postgres’ login that has ownership of the ‘xmfdb’ database.

Configuration for a Blackmagic/Veripress Server running on the same machine as XMF (localhost)

PostgreSQL setup

Other than having the XMF PGSQL up and functioning as a service, no special configuration is required for Veripress/Blackmagic to be able to connect to and poll the local Genstore for jobs.

Blackmagic / Veripress RIP setup

1. Create a new RIP database item on the Workbench

2. Select the FUJIFILM Workflow XMF (PGSQL) driver RIP driver, then configure the Custom Settings:-

Use plate number for sorting (enabled/disabled) – user preference

Include additional information in job name (enabled/disabled) – user preference

Database hostname – localhost

Database user name – provided by your XMF dealer

Database password – provided by your XMF dealer

Database Port – provided by your XMF dealer

3. Set the Polling Method to Localhost

4. Set the polling Path to the genstore location, this will normally be:-

C:/Program Files/Fujifilm/XMF

5. Configure any AutoProofing options desired

6. Click the Test button (this will save the RIP setup) and check the result is a “Polling OK” message.

Configuration for connecting a Blackmagic/Veripress Server to the XMF machine across a network.

PostgreSQL setup

The PGSQL server needs to be configured to allow a connection from the Veripress/Blackmagic Server machine. This can be done in two ways…

Use the pgAdmin III Tool

Open the pgAdmin III tool on the XMF machine.


Select File Menu > Open pg_hba.conf…

Navigate to and open:-

Fuji Xmf Workflow Manual

C:/Program Files/FujiFilm/XMF/data/Database/data/pg_hba.conf

Then use the Backend Access Configuration Editor to add and enable a new Client. Double-Click on a blank entry. When the ‘Client Access Configuration’ window opens enter the following:-

Enable – tick

Type – host

Database – all

User – postgres

IP address – IP address/32, where ‘IP address’ is the is the network IP of the machine running the Veripress/Blackmagic Server. e.g.

Method – md5

This will result in a line in the Backend Access Configuration Editor window

host all postgres md5

Hit the Save button in the Backend Access Configuration Editor, close the editor, then close the pgAdmin III software.

Alternatively, you can apply the change directly by

Adding a line to the ‘pg_hba.conf’ file

Navigate to the

C:/Program Files/FujiFilm/XMF/data/Database/data/pg_hba.conf

file and open it in a text editor.

Go to the bottom of the file and the following line:-

host all postgres IP address/32 md5

where the ‘IP address’ is the network IP of the machine running the Veripress/Blackmagic Server. For example,

host all postgres md5

Save and close the file.

To apply the change to the database, open:-

Xmf Workflow

Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services

and Restart the ‘PostgreSQL Server 9.2’ service.

Serendipity Polling Agent setup

Install the Serendipity Polling Agent on the XMF machine.

The Serendipity Agent can be located on the Serendipity installation DVD /agent/windows/ folder.

Blackmagic / Veripress RIP setup

1. Create a new RIP database item on the Workbench

2. Select the FUJIFILM Workflow XMF (PGSQL) driver RIP driver, then configure the Custom Settings:-

Use plate number for sorting (enabled/disabled) – user preference

Include additional information in job name (enabled/disabled) – user preference

Database hostname – network ID or the network IP address of the XMF machine to be polled.

Fuji Xmf Workflow Manual

Database user name – provided by your XMF dealer

Database password – provided by your XMF dealer

Fuji Xmf Workflow Manual Software

Database Port – provided by your XMF dealer

3. Set the Polling Method to Agent. Enter the network ID or the network IP address of the XMF machine to be polled in the Hostname/IP field.

4. Set the polling Path to the genstore location, this will normally be:-

Fuji xmf workflow manual 2017

C:/Program Files/Fujifilm/XMF

If you are able to use the Browse button to navigate the XMF machine, then Agent is functioning correctly. If unable to navigate through the file structure, check the Agent is installed correctly and running as a background service on the XMF machine.

Fuji xmf workflow manual pdf

5. Configure any AutoProofing options desired

Fuji Xmf Workflow Manual Pdf

6. Click the Test button (this will save the RIP setup) and check the result is a “Polling OK” message.