Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co Serial Numbers

Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co Serial NumbersHerring Hall Marvin Safe Co Serial Numbers

Herring Hall Marvin Safe For Sale


Herring Hall Marvin Safe Co Serial Numbers Lookup

4 times to the first number, right 3 times to the next, left 2 times to the last, then right until the dial stops, at which point the handle should turn. Note that if folk are even slightly clueful, almost ANY number in the building may be the combo. They may have recorded it as phone number, a zip code, a customer number, a price, you-name-it.

2003-12-15 04:17:45 UTC
I'm looking for information about a safe that is in a building I
purchased. I was unable to find a serial number or brand name on it.
I do have some photos of the dial, hinges, latches, etc.. I am hoping
that this will help. Also, I am looking for the correct procedure on
how to enter the combination (in case I do get lucky and find it some
You can see the pictures here:
It has dates of 1907 and 1908 for patents. Also, the dial is numbered
from 20 to 100 with a blank spot. It looks like this safe may have
been drilled twice already judging from the plugs that seem o be
installed in the door.
Any help would be appreciated.

Herring Hall Marvin Safe Parts

  • It is indeed a Herring Hall Marvin Safe. Cant read the serial number clearly but based on its placement on the ball of the handle. It was made sometime between 1892 to 1930. Based on the serial number someone might be able to tell you when it was made. Just about any Safe Technician should be able to open for you.
  • Joseph Hall (1823–1889) was among the most significant figures of the safe, lock, and time lock world. After being a partner in a number of safe-making companies beginning in 1846, he became the majority stockholder, president and treasurer of Hall’s Safe & Lock Co. In 1867 and would go on to spin off the highly influential Consolidated Time Lock Co.
  • For more info on Hall's look up a U S Supreme COurt decision back during the October term 1907, Number 136. So essentially the Hall's Safe & Lock Co started in 1867 and went out of business in 1892. Started in 1896. Herring Hall Marvin started shortly after 1892.