Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac

  1. Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac Os
  2. Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac Shortcut
  3. Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac Software
  4. Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Macbook

My company has a single file sharing Mac Pro computer that every user connects to. Occasionally a user will drop a file in a folder for another user to access, but the the files will be greyed out and are inaccessible to the other user, while a different user can see and access it as normal. Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac. Dec 23, 2018 When running the Install Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac installer, the option to 'Install for me only ' is grayed out leaving only 'Install for all uses of this computer 'and 'Install on a specific disk.' As the active options.

This solution addresses Webroot SecureAnywhere for Mac OS X 10.7 and higher
Computer You can install SecureAnywhere on Mac OS X 10.7 and above. An Internet connection is required to install the software.Install for all users of this computer greyed out macbook
To install the software:
  1. Click here to download the SecureAnywhere installer to your Mac.
  2. Double-click wsamac.dmg to open the installer.
  3. Drag the Webroot SecureAnywhere icon into the Applications folder.
  4. Open the Applications folder by double-clicking the folder icon.
  5. In the Applications folder, double-click the Webroot SecureAnywhere icon to begin activation.
  6. In the first activation window, select a language from the drop-down box and click Next.
    Note: Make sure you select the desired language. Once SecureAnywhere installs, you cannot change it.
  7. In the first activation window, enter your keycode and click Activate.
    Your keycode is the 20-character license that identifies your Webroot account. If you purchased the product online, the keycode is provided in an email from Webroot. If you purchased the product in a store, the keycode is provided in the retail box. In addition, the keycode identifies whether you purchased a multi-user license, which allows you to install SecureAnywhere on up to three or five Macs.
  8. In the next panel, enter your email address and click Continue. (If you don't want to provide your email address, you can click Cancel to skip this step. The installation continues even if you click Cancel.)
  9. If prompted, confirm the installation by entering your Apple system password and click OK.
  10. In the next panel, you can begin creating a Webroot account. You only need to create an account if you plan to use the Password Management feature (see Getting started with the Password Manager for more information). Or, you can click Skip and create an account later.
    If you click Create Account, your browser opens to the SecureAnywhere account creation page. Enter the required information and click Register Now. For more information about account creation, see Creating a Webroot account.
  11. In the next panel, you can install a Safari extension that allows SecureAnywhere to tag search results as safe, questionable, or unsafe. With this extension, SecureAnywhere lets you know if a website has a reputation for spreading malware or for phishing attempts. We recommended that you click the Install Safari Extension button. (However, you can click Skip and install it later by turning on the Web Threat shield, as described in Changing Web Threat shield settings.)
  12. In the Safari dialog, click the Install button.
  13. If you have the Complete or Internet Security Plus editions, Safari asks if you want to install the extension 'Webroot,' which includes Password Management functions (see Getting started with the Password Manager for more information). Click Install if you want to use the Password Management features.
    A dialog opens while the Password Manager is configured to your browser.
    If you installed both extensions, two Webroot icons appear in the browser toolbar. The example below shows how the icons appear in Safari and Chrome; the icons in Firefox look slightly different. (You can hover your mouse over the icons for pop-up descriptions.)
    This icon indicates that the Web Threat shield is enabled. See Using Web Threat protection.
    This icon indicates that the Password Management features are enabled. It is grayed-out when you first install the extension. If you have already created an account, you can click on the icon and enter your login credentials to begin using Password Management. See Getting started with the Password Manager.
  14. When the Activation Successful screen opens, click the Scan Now button.
    SecureAnywhere begins scanning your Mac for viruses, spyware, and other potential threats. If it detects threats during the scan, it prompts you to move the items to quarantine. In quarantine, the items are rendered inoperable and can no longer harm your system or steal data. For more information, see Managing detected threats.
  15. In the Scan Complete window, click Close.
    The main window opens. For more information, see Using the SecureAnywhere interface.
    After the initial scan, SecureAnywhere automatically scans your Mac daily and constantly monitors activity as you surf the Internet. You do not need to launch a scan yourself or schedule scans. SecureAnywhere does all the work for you in the background.
    To verify that SecureAnywhere is running, look for the Webroot icon in your menu bar.

Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac Os

Can I install Python 3.6.2 on Windows 10 for All Users?

Install For All Users Of This Computer Greyed Out Mac Shortcut

Can I install Python 3.6.2 on Windows 10 for All Users?
Sep-15-2017, 11:48 AM
We have Windows 10 laptops each with a local administrator account for our teachers, and one or more local standard user accounts for our students. Now and then these standard user accounts are deleted and new ones are added as students come and go.
Now, I have tried to install Python 3.6.2 for ALL users from within the administrator account, hoping that the students then can start all the installed components from within their standard user accounts. But when I log in to these standard accounts I cannot find the applications I installed into my administrator account.
Thus if I log into the administrator account after installation, there is a Python 3.6 folder with IDLE, Python application, Python 3.6 module Doc and Python manuals. However, if I log into the standard user account, I cannot see those items at all?
How do I install Python 3.6 on a Windows 10 PC so that also other user accounts on that machine can use Python in the same way as they would be able to do if they were logged into the administrator account?
I have installed other software (like Sublime Text, Arduino for Scratch, etc), and they can all be launched from the Standard User Account even if they were installed from my Administrator Account.
Sep-15-2017, 01:31 PM (This post was last modified: Sep-15-2017, 01:31 PM by sparkz_alot.)
If you are logged in as the actual Administrator you are assigning Administrator rights, much like 'root' in Linux, Unix, and Mac. Typically you do not want to install 'user' software as the Administrator. What you want is a User with Administrator privileges, should that prove necessary. If you want the directory accessible by everyone, you should put it in a directory everyone has access to, such as C:Python3.6, rather that under a Users directory. During the Python installation, you are given the options of who you want to install it for (ie single user or everyone), where you want to install it (again, something like C:Pyton3.6 is a good choice), whether you want to have Python update the Environmental Variables (why, yes you do) and whether you want to have 'pip' installed (again yes you do). We have a tutorial in the Tutorial forum on how to install Python on Windows (I don't have the link handy, sorry).
Be aware, when you install Python for everyone, they have access to everything under the Python directory, including 'pip'.
Most programs will try and install under the main C: directory, Program Files directory or Program Files (x86) directory, all of which can be accessed by everyone. Python, on the other hand will try and install itself in the User directory of the person doing the install (which is why you have to make sure and change that destination.
EDIT: Here is the link to the tutorial:
If it ain't broke, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
OS: Windows 10, openSuse 42.3, freeBSD 11, Raspian 'Stretch'
Python 3.6.5, IDE: PyCharm 2018 Community Edition

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