Automatic patching using a USB Loader. If you are already using USB Loader GX, try updating it to the most recent version. Then, there should be a “private server” setting (both in the global loader options and in the game options) which you can set to “Wiimmfi” to make the USB Loader automatically patch every game you start to work. Enable region patch (for PAL wiis), VidTV Patch on, and use 002 fix. Works with cIOS 249 rev 21 (For USB Loader GX). Works with standard settings on Configurable USB Loader. 1 04Jul2011 Gottlieb Pinball Classics Works PAL RQSP6M 0.38G 1 Grand Slam Tennis Works PAL RT5P69 2.42G.
Wii Usb Loader Gx Not Working
Wii Usb Loader Gx Vidtv Patch 1.3
Backup Launchers > USB Loaders > USB Loader GX