Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel

A selection of free material from Standard Bidding with SAYC by Ned Downey and Ellen “Caitlin” Pomer, geared towards helping teachers in the classroom. This download includes: Download 1: Copy of a Standard Yellow Card Download 2: Booklet explaining the system Download 3: Chapter summaries About the Book: ”What is Standard Bidding? This is an increasingly hard question to answer, but. The Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC) is a set of partnership agreements summarized in a convention card created by the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) to be used as the required bidding system in specified events or as a base for a casual or online partnerships. More info on SAYC: ACBL SAYC System Booklet (PDF format). See also: Full SAYC convention card by Michel Heger and, for online practice bidding with SAYC. Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC) opening characteristics response meaning continuation 1♣ 3+ cards 2NT 13–15, GF. Standard American Yellow Card See the following web pages: Simple SAYC FULL SAYC Standard American Yellow Card. Optional ' OKbridge' bid: If opener passes after a Jacoby transfer is doubled, responder may make a normal bid, redouble or pass to play, or bid 2 of the major to sign off. If opener redoubles, responder may make a normal bid, pass to play, or bid 2 of the major to sign off.


ACBL Convention Card

Download a PDF file and print a blank card. You may also save the file to your computer and edit this card for your personal use. Get helpful instructions for filling out your card.

ACBL “Fat Free” Convention Card

Download a completed card with a basic system for you.

Basic 2 over 1 Convention Card


From Larry Cohen’s Conventional Wisdom Lite series featured in the ACBL Bridge Bulletin
Download the completed card. To view the Conventional Wisdom Lite series, click here.

Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC)

Download a PDF of the card as well as full instructions for using this popular convention card in single-page format or paginated format. A Spanish version of the instructions is available at

Conventional Wisdom

How to fill out the convention card line by line with advice from ACBL editors. Click here.

Commonly Used Conventions


Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel File

Explanations of how to play commonly used conventions from the Bridge Bulletin’s Bidding Toolkit series. A new convention is added each month

In Their Own Words

Bridge Greats are known as such because they have done something outstanding for the game of Bridge. This page contains articles authored by Bridge Greats and the Conventions they invented. View In Their Own Words

Convention Card Editors

ACBL Convention Card Editor – Download a PDF file that you can edit and print. Click here to download.

Other Convention Card Editors (none of these are supported by ACBL)

How to Keep Score

Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel

ACBL Duplicate Instant Scorer and scoring for duplicate, teams and rubber bridge.

Home-Style Supplies

Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel Template

Get the supplies you need to score and list results for your home rubber bridge games.